こんにちは。高橋翻訳事務所(http://goo.gl/25cZv)契約書・法律文書翻訳担当の佐々木と申します。今回は不可抗力(force majeure)について取り上げていきます。
契約書で頻繁に目にする「不可抗力」という言葉ですが、英語訳のforce majeureはフランス語由来で、元々は「圧倒的な力」、「抗えない大きな力」という意味を持っていました。
また、不可抗力の英語訳として類似したものには、「act of God(神の行為)」という言葉もあります。この二つの違いですが、act of Godは地震や津波、台風などの自然災害に限られるのに対して、force majeureは自然災害以外にも戦争やストライキなど、人間が引き起こすものが含まれている点です。
このforce majeureという概念は1804年に発効されたフランス民法典(Code Civil)に規定されていますが、ローマ法の時代にもすでに不可抗力を意味する「vis major」という言葉があったことからも、非常に古くから存在していることが分かります。
契約書では、force majeure以外にも外国語から入ってきた単語を目にすることがしばしばあります。
例えば、「bona fide」はラテン語で、「誠実」や「善意」を意味し、英語では「good faith」が該当します。
同じくラテン語では、「逆もまた同様」を意味する「vice versa」や「?の代わりに」の「in lieu of」などがあり、in lieu ofは「instead of」や「in place of」と同義となっています。
余談ですが、force majeure以外にも、英語にはフランス語から影響を受けた単語が数多く存在しており、例えば、court(法廷)、liberty(自由)、ocean(海)などがあります。
ノルマン王朝(Norman dynasty)の成立後はフランス語がイングランドの公用語となり、主に上級階級、支配階級がフランス語を、庶民は英語を話すという状態が長い間続きました。
例えば、日本国内では内戦が起きないだろうと考えるのではなく、起こりうる可能性がある事例については必ず含めなければなりません。そのため、すべてを推測して列挙することが難しい場合は、「including, but not limited to?(?を含むがこれらに限定はされない)」などといった表現を使うのも一つの手です。契約書に主に記載される不可抗力は下記のとおりとなっています。
- ・act of foreign enemies(外国からの侵略)
- ・act of God(神の行為=天災、天変地異)
- ・assault(強迫)
- ・blockades(封鎖)
- ・civil war(内戦、内乱)
- ・earthquake(地震)
- ・epidemics(伝染病)
- ・explosion(爆発)
- ・fire(火災)
- ・flood(洪水)
- ・general shortage of materials(原材料の総体的不足)
- ・governmental regulations(政令)
- ・invasion(侵略行為)
- ・legal restrictions(法的規制)
- ・lightning and thunder(落雷)
- ・lockouts(工場閉鎖)
- ・natural disaster(天災)
- ・overflowing of water(浸水)
- ・perils of the seas(海難事故)
- ・rebellion(反乱、暴動)
- ・riots(暴動)
- ・storm(嵐)
- ・strikes(ストライキ)
- ・war(戦争)
ここで、実際の契約書での例を見ていきましょう。以下の例文は、弊社が会員となっている日本商事仲裁協会(Japan Commercial Arbitration Association)の雛形を基に、読みやすく調整したものです。
(Force Majeure)
In the event that either party shall be delayed in or prevented from performing any act required under this Agreement by reason of governmental allocations, priorities, restrictions or regulations now or hereafter in effect, flood, fire, earthquake or other Acts of God, war, riot, insurrection or other civil disturbance, strikes, lockouts, shortages of raw materials or production facilities, transportation shortages or any other contingencies beyond such party’s reasonable control, such party shall not be liable to the other party for damages incurred as a result of any such delay or prevention.
(Force Majeure)
In the event that either Party shall be delayed in or prevented from performing any act required under this Agreement by reason of governmental allocations, priorities, restrictions or regulations now or hereafter in effect, flood, fire, earthquake or other Acts of God, war, riot, insurrection or other civil disturbance, strikes, lockouts, transportation shortages or any other contingencies beyond such Party’s reasonable control, such Party shall not be 1iable to the other Party for damages incurred as a result of any such delay or prevention
Article 19. Force Majeure
Neither party shall be liable for any loss, damage, delay or failure to perform resulting directly from fire, flood, explosion, civil disturbances, war, strikes or work stoppages, inability to secure raw materials, or resulting from the laws, regulations, act or failure to act of any government authority, or resulting from any other causes beyond its reasonable control.
Failure of either party to perform under this Agreement, because of the endurance of an event of force majeure more than three (3) months, will give a right to terminate this Agreement by the other party on twenty-four (24) hours written notice.
第19条 不可抗力
Article 20. Force Majeure
Neither party shall be liable for any delay or failure to perform any obligation under this Agreement resulting from fire, flood, explosion, civil disturbances, terror, war, strikes, sabotage, inability to secure raw materials or products, or resulting from the laws, regulations, act or failure to act of any governmental authority, or resulting from any other causes beyond the reasonable control of the respective party.
Failure of either party to perform any obligation under this Agreement, because of force majeure, for more than three (3) months, will represent grounds for its termination by the other party on one (1) day’s prior written notice.
第20条 不可抗力
Article 18. Force Majeure
In the event that either party is affected directly in performing this Agreement or is prevented from carrying out any of its obligations under the provisions hereof due to any event of force majeure including earthquake, typhoon, flood disaster, fire, war, or inevitable accident of which occurrence and effect such party is unable to prevent or avoid, the party affected by such force majeure shall notify of the circumstances to the other party as soon as practicable and submit the details and document for valid evidence explaining the reason of such failure or delay in all or part of performance hereunder within fifteen (15) days after occurrence thereof. Such document for evidence shall be issued by the relevant authority in the area where such force majeure occurred. The parties hereto shall, through negotiation, determine whether to terminate this Agreement, to exempt a part of the obligations hereunder, or to delay the due date of the performance hereunder, according to the extent of effects on the performance of the obligations hereof.
第18条 不可抗力
Article 19. Force Majeure
Neither party shall be liable to the other party for failure or delay in the performance of any of its obligations under this Agreement for the period and to the extent such failure or delay is caused by riots, civil commotions, wars, hostilities between nations, governmental laws, orders or regulations, embargoes, actions by the government or any agency thereof, acts of God, storms, fire, accidents, strikes, sabotage, explosions or other similar or different causes beyond the reasonable control of the respective parties.
第19条 不可抗力
Article 18. Force Majeure
Neither party shall be liable to the other party for a failure or delay in the performance of any of its obligations under this Agreement for the period and to the extent such failure or delay is caused by riots, civil commotions, wars (declared or undeclared), hostilities between nations, governmental laws, orders or regulations, embargoes, actions by the government or any agency thereof, acts of God, storms, fires, accidents, strikes, sabotage, explosions, or other similar or different contingencies beyond the reasonable control of the respective parties.
第18条 不可抗力
Article 33. Force Majeure
Neither party shall be liable to the other party for failure or delay in the performance of any of its obligations under this Agreement for the time and to the extent such failure or delay is caused by riots, civil commotions, wars, hostilities between nations, governmental laws, orders or regulations, embargoes, actions by the government or any agency thereof, acts of God, storms, fires, accidents, strikes, sabotages, explosions, or other similar contingencies beyond the reasonable control of the respective parties.
第33条 不可抗力
14.2 Force Majeure
Neither party shall be liable for failure to perform the whole of or any part of this Agreement and/or each Individual Sales Contract when such failure is due to fire, flood, strikes, labor troubles or other industrial disturbances, inevitable accidents, war (declared or undeclared) embargoes, blockades, legal restrictions, riots, insurrections or any other causes beyond the control of the party. If the failure mentioned above continues more than six (6) months, either party hereto may terminate this Agreement immediately by giving written notice to the other party without incurring any obligation or responsibility.
14.2 不可抗力
Article 19. Force Majeure
Neither party shall be liable to the other for failure or delay in the performance of any of its obligations under this Agreement for the time and to the extent such failure or delay is caused by riots, civil commotions, wars (declared or undeclared), hostilities between nations, governmental laws, orders or regulations, embargoes, actions by the government or any agency thereof, acts of God, storms, fires, accidents, strikes, sabotages, explosions, or other similar or different contingencies beyond the reasonable control of the respective parties. If, as a result of legislation or governmental action, any party or parties are precluded from receiving any benefit to which they are entitled hereunder, the parties hereto shall review the terms and conditions of this Agreement so as to use their best efforts to restore the party or parties to the same relative positions as previously obtained hereunder.
第19条 不可抗力
Article 40. Force Majeure
In the event that any party is directly affected in the performance of this Agreement or is prevented from carrying out any of its obligations as set forth in the provisions hereof by force majeure, including earthquake, typhoon, flood, fire, war or any unforeseeable event of which such party is unable to prevent or avoid, the party affected by such force majeure shall notify in writing of the circumstances within ( ) days after occurrence thereof and provide the details, the reason of such failure or delay in all or part of performance hereunder and a document for valid evidence thereof within ( ) days thereafter. Such document for evidence shall be issued by the relevant authority in place where such force majeure occurred. The parties hereto shall, through consultations, determine whether to terminate this Agreement, to exempt a part of the obligations, or to delay the performance hereof according to the extent of effects on the performance of the obligations hereof. Neither party shall be liable for delay or nonperformance of its obligations hereunder due to such force majeure as mentioned above, except monetary obligation and any other obligation which will have accrued prior to the occurrence of such force majeure.
第40条 不可抗力
Article 15. Force Majeure
Neither party shall be liable to the other party for failure to perform, in whole or in part, its obligations under this Agreement if such failure is due to any matter beyond the control of the party including but not limited to an Act of God, governmental order or restriction, strike, riot, revolution, war (declared or not), fire or shortage of raw materials.
第15条 不可抗力