コールマン作「Twere not but that 'twitch it aint! 」説明です。




Twere not but that 'twitch it aint!

今回の作品は言葉遊びが中心ですが、まず題名の意味の説明から入りたいと思います。「 Twere not but that 'twich it aint! 」の「 'twere 」とは、「 it were 」の縮約形です。現代英語ではあまり聞きませんが、シェイクスピアによって書かれた「マクベス」の脚本に第一幕第七場では以下のように「 'twere 」がでます。「 If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well / It were done quickly. 」このセリフは以下のように日本語に訳されているようです。「やってしまって、それで事が済むものなら、早くやってしまったほうがよい。」現代英語に直しますと、「 If doing it would actually put an end to everything, then it would be best if it were done quickly. 」(つまり、マクベスはここで、「王様の暗殺ですべてのことが済むのであれば、暗殺は早くした方がよい」ということを言っています。)このように分析しますと、「 'twere 」はどちらかといいますと現代英語の「 it would be 」に近いということが分かります。

Word play is the name of the game for this comic, so first I want to start by talking about the meaning of the title.

The "twere" in "Twere not but that 'twitch it aint!" is a conjugation for "it were." This is not something we see in modern English very often, but it appears as quoted below in Act 1, Scene 7 of Shakespeare's "Macbeth."

"If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well / It were done quickly."

f you translate this line into modern English, it could go something like this: "If doing it would actually put an end to everything, then it would be best if it were done quickly." (In other words, what Macbeth is saying here is, "If everything would be put to rest by assassinating the king, then it is best to assassinate him quickly.") Analyzing "twere" in this light, we can see that it seems to be close to the modern English phrase, "it would be."

題名にもどりますが、「 'twitch 」は私が勝手に作ったことばで、ここでの意味は「 witch 」と同じです。「 'twere 」では「 were 」に「 t 」が付いていると同じように「 witch 」に「 t 」をふざけて付けてみたわけです。「 aint 」はスラングでよくきく言葉ですが、正しい英語ではありません。これもふざけて使いました。意味も使い方も「 is not 」の縮約形である「 isn't 」と同じです。

Going back to the title of this comic, the word "twich" is something I made up entirely by myself. The meaning is the same as "witch." Following the pattern of the "t" attached to "were" in "twere," I added a "t" to "which" to make "twich" as a joke. "Aint" is a word that pops up often in slang, and of course it is not technically correct English. I used this word as a joke as well. The meaning and usage method is the same as "isn't," which is of course a contraction for "is not."

全体の意味としては、「 It would be not but that which it isn't! 」です。つまり、ふざけた気持ちでわざと理解しにくいわけですね。

So, putting the whole thing together, the title reads: "It would not be but that which it isn't!" You can pretty much see that I made the title unintelligible on purpose as a joke.

ここで意味を分析するとしましたら、「『それ』は、『それ』以外のものになることは全く不可能です。」つまり、「『それ』の本質を変えることもできませんし、変わることもあり得ません」を意味する「 It would be not but that which it is 」という文の…反対です!

If you want to analyze the meaning further, first consider the phrase, "it would be not but that which it is," which basically means, "it would be impossible for 'that thing' to be anything other than what it is," or, "you cannot change the basic nature of 'that thing,' nor will it ever change by itself." And the meaning of the title actually is... the exact opposite of that!


So, first we can tweak this opposite sentence to get a more readable version, like, "that thing can only go on being what it is," or, "for that thing, being as it is is as important as life itself." Next, keeping those examples in mind, you can flip the meaning to create some messages of "self hatred" like, "that thing doesn't want to be that thing!" or, "for that thing, being that thing is like being in hell!"

...and hey!! Guess what?

Twere not but that 'twitch it aint!

Feat-Chur-In "Old Scratchy"

「 Feat-Chur-In 」は「ゲスト出演」や「特別出演」などを意味する「 featuring 」が漫画や音楽などに良く使われている習慣をからかうために作った言葉です。最近日本でも、音楽の世界では「客演」という意味で「 featuring 」を良く見ます。

But wait! That would have to mean that...

Unless you factor in the...


You fools!! Isn't it brain-stabbingly clear?!!

「 brain-stabbingly 」も私が勝手に作った表現です。「 stab a brain 」は「脳を(包丁などで)刺す」という意味ですが、それを考えながらセリフを直訳しますと、「脳が刺された程明らかではないか」のような日本語になります。英語も変ですので、直訳しますと日本語も多少ピンと来ないかもしれませんが、大事なのは、「頭が痛いほど明らかだ!」というようなことを言っています。

What the hell?

...in the end, though.

Twere not twas it of, nere twasint it by twixt!!

